Who We Are

The Well Legacy Society (WLS) incorporated on May 15, 2024, with the goal of preserving and protecting the college's rich history and nationally significant legacy in the Aurora community and the Finger Lakes region.

In the ongoing aftermath of the college’s abrupt closure announcement on April 29, we hope to safeguard the college's assets, archives, artifacts, and architecture for future generations. We aim to ensure that the unique and historic campus remains a vibrant part of the community.

Our supporters include alumnae/i and friends of the college spanning generations across the country. We invite you to join us in this important endeavor to uphold and share the enduring spirit of Wells College.

To date, we have:

  • communicated via our attorneys the major concerns of many alums to the Wells College Board of Trustees on May 28, 2024, one month after the closure was announced

  • worked with the Village Board of Trustees to keep the National Historic Register portion of the campus zoned Institutional.

  • succeeded in getting the Office of the Attorney General to intervene and stop the piecemeal sale of Wells College real estate until a dissolution plan is filed with NYS.

  • circulated a petition to Say NO to Manhattanville as a legacy partner

  • secured the attention of Gov. Hochul, who brought in the head of the State Historic Preservation Office to respond to the threat of leaving the historic buildings on campus unheated.

  • supported the Preservation Association of Central New York (PACNY) in their nomination of the Wells College campus for the “Seven to Save” program of the Preservation League of New York State (PLNYS)

  • responded to the Alumnae/i Meeting held by the WCA on Zoom on 11/13/24

  • began a petition in support of the Village’s offer to house, preserve and protect the Wells College archives

  • received local, regional and national press coverage, had our press releases carried in network media feeds across the country, gained significant attention in specialty news outlets; and helped bring the attention of The Chronicle of Higher Education to Aurora.

  • received assistance from the renowned architectural firm that designed the Wells Arts complex (Barler & Campbell) and an international advocacy group in getting the buildings listed as local landmarks.

NB: the WLS is not affiliated with Cleveland Commission for Wells. The CCfW did not initiate, implement or fund the above actions, or participate in other signature efforts of the WLS to preserve the legacy of our alma mater.

Currently, we are raising funds to pay for legal assistance in:

  • promoting an appropriate “legacy partner” for the college in Central New York.

  • preparing to represent alumnae/i concerns before the NYS Attorney General, Supreme Court, and / or Dept. of Education in their review of the dissolution plan.

  • keeping the Wells College archive intact and secure in Aurora.

  • preserving the future integrity of the National Historic Register campus.

    Note: should we raise more than required for our long-term objectives, our by-laws specify that remaining funds be given to an organization with similar goals.

    If you support our vision, please donate and spread the word about our work. Thank you!


    Rachel Snyder ’11, President

    Karen A. Hindenlang ’77, VP

    Maggie Mahr ‘11, Secretary

    Karin Gregory ’80, Esq, Treasurer

More Background

A week after the college’s closure announcement, the founders of the Wells Legacy Society retained the highly regarded law firm of Harter, Secrest & Emery and began working with two attorneys to produce a letter addressed to the college’s Board of Trustees, which was delivered on May 28, 2024.

The letter, copied to the Village of Aurora Board of Trustees and the Office of the NYS Attorney General, asked for clarification about the board decision to close. It questioned the choice of Manhattanville as our “legacy” partner, as well as the plan for the disposition of institutional funds and donate restricted funds (i.e., the endowment). It also offered ideas and assistance in moving forward to protect the legacy of Wells College and preserve it in the Finger Lakes.

Subsequently, the Wells Legacy Society has engaged in active correspondence with numerous state agencies, elected representatives and government officials, with this letter attached as an introduction to the issues at hand.